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学会誌目次 1991

1991 vol. 21

No. 1

  1. Leverage Points in Nonlinear Regression Models, 1
    Yasuto Yoshizoe
  2. Trends and Structural Changes in Macreoeconomic Time Series, 13
    Yoshiyuki Tekeuchi
  3. Preliminary Test and Empirical Bayes Approach to Shrinkage Estimation of Regression Parameters, 27
    Abdunnabi M. Ali and A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh
  4. An Analysis of Variance of Partially Balanced Fractional 2^m1+m2 Factorial Designs of Resolution V, 43
    Masahide Kuwada
  5. On Positive-part Shrinkage R- and M-estimation in One-way ANOVA, 61
    Taka-aki Shiraishi
  6. The Mover-stayer Model and a Procedure for the Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Parameters, 73
    Nobuoki Eshima
  7. The Law of the Iterated Logarithm for the Two-Sample Empirical Process and Chernoff-Savage Statistics, 85
    In-Sun Chu and Shingo Shirahata
  8. Statistical Graphics: A Classified and Selected Bibliography, 97
    Masashi Goto, Yoshihiro Matsubara, Akio Yoden, Yoshihide Tsuchiya and Kazumasa Wakimoto
  9. 輸出関数における構造変化と関数型の同時推定, 123
    上山 和俊
  10. 日本における期待物価上昇率の計測と自然失業率仮説の検証, 131
    李 志東, 加納 悟

No. 2

  1. Construction of M-estimators by Robustifying Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with the Density Function, 155
    Manabu Iwasaki
  2. Decompositions of Polynomial Diagonals-Parameter Symmetry Models for Square Contingency Tables with Ordered Categories, 173
    Sadao Tomizawa
  3. Finite Sample and Large Sample Properties of the OLS and GRLS Estimators for a Structural Relationship with Replication, 181
    Yoshiko Isogawa
  4. The MSE of a Pre-test Estimator of the Linear Regression Model with an Interval Constraint on Coefficients, 189
    Hikaru Hasegawa
  5. Small Sample Properties of the Interval Constrainted Least Squares Estimator when Error Terms have a Multivariate t Distribution, 197
    Kazuhiro Ohtani
  6. Equireplicate Variance-Balanced Designs from Group Divisible Designs, 205
    D. K. Ghosh, Jyoti Divecha and Sanpei Kageyama
  7. Series of Main Effect Plus One or Two Plans for 2^m Factorials when Three-factor and Higher Order Interactions are Negligible, 211
    Teruhiro Shirakura and Shinsei Tazawa
  8. 家計構成の消費への影響と Equivalence Scale の計測, 221
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