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学会誌目次 1980

1980 vol. 10

No. 1

  1. Several Estimators of the Autocorrelation Based on Limiter Estimating Functions for Stationary Gaussian Process
    Nobuo Inagaki and Masao Kondo
  2. On a Kernel-Type Decision Function for Selection of a Subpopulation
    Kazuo Noda
  3. Pooling Two Large Samples in Comparative Studies
    Setsuko Takeshita, Fumiyoshi Kasagi and Takashi Yanagawa
  4. Stability of the Solution in Latent Class Analysis
    Tsukio Morita

No. 2

  1. 規模別所得分布の不平等尺度:展望
    寺崎 康博
  2. Bounds on the Number of Blocks and Some Block Structure for resolvable designs
    Sampei Kageyama
  3. On Balanced Incomplete Block Designs with {\it v=2k}
    Sampei Kageyama
  4. On the Moment of Positively Truncated Normal Distribution
    Tsuyoshi Nakamura
  5. Note on the Limiting Distribution of Stopping Time
    Hisao Nagao
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