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学会誌目次 1976

1976 vol. 6

No. 1

  1. Statistical Examination of Models of Regional Variation of Population in Japan
    Keisuke Suzuki
  2. Some Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Sample Surveys
    Akira Asai
  3. On Estimating the Location Gap of Two Normal Populations Based on Ranked Data
    Takashi Matsui
  4. 計量政治学の問題と展望
    猪口 孝

No. 2

  1. A Logistic Regression Analysis of Bivariate Binary Data: A Method of Assessing the Association between a Pair of Binary Responses
    Koichi Ito and Akio Kudo
  2. Graphical Representation of Correlation Analysis of Ordered Data by Linked Vector Pattern
    Masaaki Taguri, Makoto Hiramatsu, Tomoyoshi Kittaka and Kazumasa Wakimoto
  3. Covariance Matrices of the Estimates for Balanced Fractional 2^{m} Factorial Designs of Resolution 2l+1
    Teruhiro Shirakura and Masahide Kuwada
  4. Perturbation of a Matrix Function and its Application to Multivariate Analysis
    Masashi Okamoto and Yasunori Fujikoshi
  5. 回帰係数の推定と調整
    後藤 昌司
  6. 多変量解析における検定統計量の一般分布に対する漸近展開
    塩谷 実
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