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学会誌目次 1975

1975 vol. 5

No. 2

  1. On Balanced Arrays of 2 Symbols, Strength {\it 2l}, \{it m} Constraints and Index Set {\mu_{0}, \mu{1}, \cdot \mu_{2l}} with \mu_{1}=0
    Teruhiko Shirakura
  2. Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Reducibility of Association Schemes
    Kumaichi Kusumoto
  3. Some Modified Monte Carlo Method to Solve Non-linear Optimization Problems
    Masaaki Taguri
  4. On Monetary Interest from a Probabilistic Point of View
    Ryoichiro Sato
  5. 多変量解析における検定統計量の一般分布にたいする漸近展開
    塩谷 実
  6. 大気汚染をめぐるデータ解析の話題
    柳本 武美
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