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学会誌目次 1979

1979 vol. 9

No. 1

  1. Inverse Sampling with Application to Estimation of the Ratio of Two Mean Life Times
    Shunichi Kigawa
  2. The Asymptotic Cut-Off Point and Comparison of Error Probabilities in Covariance Discriminant Analysis
  3. Optimal Balanced Fractional 2^{m} Factorial Designs of Resolution IV Derived form Balanced Arrays of Strength Four
    Teruhiro Shirakura
  4. Estimation of the Difference Between Two Proportions in a Finite Multinomial Population
    Yoshiaki Funatsu
  5. Note on Designs in Serology
    Sampei Kageyama

No. 2

  1. 統計環境と統計学環境
    米澤 治文
  2. 絶対偏差和を最小にする直線の当てはめ
    河原 靖
  3. On the Least Favorable Configuration of a Selection Procedure Based on Rank Sums: Counterexample to a Postulate of Matsui
    Young Jack Lee and Edward J. Dudewictz
  4. Computational Schemes for Selecting Variables in Pairwise Discriminant Analysis
    Koichi Inada and Akio Kudo
  5. Remark on Stabilizing Constants of the Extreme Statistic
    Rinya Takahashi
  6. The Shortest Invariant Prediction Interval for the Largest Observation form the Exponential Distribution
    Yoshikazu Takada
  7. On a Connection between Balanced Arrays and Balanced Fractional s^{m} Factorial Designs
    Masahide Kuwada and Ryuei Nishii
  8. Bivariate Erlang Distribution Functions
    Fumio Ohi and Toshio Nishida
  9. Inadmissibility of Preliminary Test Estimators for the Regression Coefficients of a Multivariate Normal Distribution
    Yoshikazu Takada
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